Full listing
1153 stations take part into the french contest.
Thanks to all!
Top 5 by continent (# QSO / Pts)

1 YL3CW 1179 274 327978
2 YP0C 826 238 199920
3 CT7AXB 812 240 199680
4 CT7ANH 623 229 150911
5 DL5PIA 650 164 107584
Amérique du nord
1 VE2TFL 366 135144990
2 K3ZO 160 107 50932
3 N8DE 75 207 59 12213
4 VA2MP 67 180 50 9000
5 VE2PIB 55 153 46 7038

1 V51WH 199 80 47280
2 CN8YM 102 58 17748
3 6W1QL 68 47 9588
4 D44PM 35 3255
5 EA8BQM 105 30 3150
1 YB1TQL 29 27 2430
2 YB1RKT 25 22 1650
3 YB3IZK 22 18 1188
4 DV4ZAR 11 11 330
5 YB1WCK 8 8 168

1 RA9V 135 68 27540
2 RZ9WU 113 60 20340
3 TA4CS 116 58 20184
4 TA2IB 55 38 6270
5 RV9UCN 53 37 5883
Amérique du sud

1 PY5QW 269 152 122056
2 PX2A 125 56 20888
3 PT7ZT 83 55 13585
4 PY2KJ 44 32 4224
5 PY5AMF 22 22 1452
Certificates and awards avalaible for download HERE!