Thanks to all who taking part into the contest and send a log.
Due to good conditions on the higher bands this years, the amount of logs received increased about +6% with 1745 log files.
Thanks to all who taking part into the contest and send a log.
Due to good conditions on the higher bands this years, the amount of logs received increased about +6% with 1745 log files.
Here we have the final results of the REF Contest 2011.
Thanks for participation in the REF Contest 2011.
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the 2011 REF Contest.
CW (29th-30th Jan) – 782 logs submitted from 52 DXCC
Continental leaders:
SSB (26th-27th Feb)- 866 logs submitted from 55 DXCC
ZW7REF winner of CW and SSB 2011 event
Continental leaders:
Few days before the dead-line we have already received more than 750 log files.
If have not send your log yet, take a look to this form to send us your log file. You have to send your log before Tuesday, March 01, 2011.
Anyway, don’t forget the second leg of the REF contest.
It will take place the next week-end. 0600Z, Feb 26 to 1800Z, Feb 27
Cu on the air folks!
Hello folks,
The next “Coupe du REF” (72 th) will be held on the last weekends of January.
29th and 30 th of january.
Let us hope for good conditions wich will give us the opportunity to meet old and new friends!
Antenna at VA3PL
Here we have the final results of the REF Contest 2010.
Thanks for participation in the REF Contest 2010, in our single-country event, which still gathers a lot of interest.
We had a fantastic turnout for the 2010 event. A total of 1515 logs were processed which sets a new record for participation in the contest. The increased participation is very encouraging, especially considering that conditions were not much better than those experienced in 2009.
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the 2010 REF Contest.
CW (30th-31th Jan) – 752 logs submitted from 51 DXCC
Continental leaders:
SSB (27th-28th Feb)- 763 logs submitted from 53 DXCC
Continental leaders:
Hope to cu all next year during the 72 th “Coupe du REF”.
The claimed scores for the SSB leg of the REF contest are now available.
The claimed scores for the CW leg of the REF contest are now available.
Some contesters have reported trouble to receive robot acknowledgement. These difficulties may come from anti-spam filter.
If you did not received acknowledgement from the robot within few hours, try to submit your log via this web form.
The 2010 SSB leg of the REF contest will take place on February, 27 th 06h00z to 28th 18h00z.
The 2010 REF contest took place on 30-31th of january.
Log must be send to before March, 2 2010
You will receive an automated reply telling you if it was received.
All log received can be viewed here.