The claimed scores for the SSB leg of the REF contest are now available.
Category Archives: News
2010 CW claimed scores
The claimed scores for the CW leg of the REF contest are now available.
Upload your log
Some contesters have reported trouble to receive robot acknowledgement. These difficulties may come from anti-spam filter.
If you did not received acknowledgement from the robot within few hours, try to submit your log via this web form.
2010 SSB REF contest
The 2010 SSB leg of the REF contest will take place on February, 27 th 06h00z to 28th 18h00z.
2010 REF contest CW ended
The 2010 REF contest took place on 30-31th of january.
Log must be send to before March, 2 2010
You will receive an automated reply telling you if it was received.
All log received can be viewed here.